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Blue Mirror

Hydroelectric Power Plant in Aarau, Switzerland

Blue Mirror

A quick snapshot of the hydroelectric power station in Aarau on a nice and sunny day in December.  


More Urban Bites

Let’s make Dinner!

Urbex at the CLinique du Diable, France, Alsace - Let's make Dinner! - Old Kitchen

Let’s make Dinner!

In the staff housing (we assume), some rooms were equipped with a kitchenette. At least one of them survived the days and kept a charm of the 70’es style with brown tiles.  


More about the Clinique du Diable

Glass Shadows

Urbex at the Clinique du Diable, France, Alsace - Glass Shadows

Glass Shadows

In a place where no window stayed intact, the sun draws shadows of the remains. Cracks, broken fragments and light telling about moments of the past.  


More about the Clinique du Diable

Dark Corridor

Dark Corridor - A hotel close to Brussels, Belgium

Dark Corridor

This one, I have to confess, is not really urban exploration – it’s just the snapshot of a hotel corridor near Brussels where I stayed for a few nights during a training. A little magic in the development – and it looks not too inviting anymore…


More Urban Bites

Old House on Lake Lucerne

Old House

Old House ner Lake Lucerne

On a Sunday’s drive and walk, we found this fascinating old house on Lake Lucerne. By looking at the building, it seemed as there could still be people living in. Together with the many pedestrians there, a closer examination was tempting but seemed not possible.


More Urban Bites

Clinique du Diable – A new story is here

Quite some time passed since the announcement – and there s still plenty for me to work with. But: my story about the Clinique du Diable is online: Clinique du Diable

Clinique Du Diable – Work in Progress

This year we made two visits to an abandoned sanatorium / clinic in Alsace. A third visit is pending…
Thousands of pictures got home with us – and it’s work in progress. To create the look and mood I want, a lot of time is needed. But I’m confident for I can soon show a first part of this series.

For now, here is a little preview:

Urbex at the Clinique du DIable, Alsace, France - Boiler Room

Boiler Room

Urbex at the Clinique du Diable, Alsace, France

Friday, 17:01 – Everybody left for the Weekend!