Sanatorio San Gottardo

About two years ago, on the way home from vacation, we stopped at an old sanatorium in the Swiss mountains. Later we heard that some supernatural things seem to happen here… a colleague told me that he was there with four friends – and they Continue Reading

Sanatorio San Gottardo

About two years ago, on the way home from vacation, we stopped at an old sanatorium in the Swiss mountains. I started several times to work with the pictures – but was never satisfied with the outcome: we had blue sky without any hint of Continue Reading

A recharging Bath

If a bath tub has more electrical controls than your car… and you always got told that water and electricity are a bad match… one starts to wonder if this could have been used rather for torture than healing.

Sylvia’s red Bath Tub

Somewhere in Germany there is an old health clinic – let’s call it “Kurklinik Sylvia”. For the clinic got closed in 1997 (by what I found), it’s in a surprising good condition. Once used for rehabilitation and wellness, many bath tubs and other equipment still Continue Reading

Getting empty

In the old foundry, most of the machines standing around during during our last visit are gone. What remains is emptiness and a thick layer of dust…