Factory Work Floor
The factory work floor of the old Ferrum foundry.Shot through a dusty office window…
Take a Photo – Make a Picture
The factory work floor of the old Ferrum foundry.Shot through a dusty office window…
Open the windows! Let the light and the air in…
So far I’ve posted finished pictures only. For everyone interested, here is a little insight on what I captured – and what I did with it. The tools I used for this picture: Camera: Sony ILCE-7RM3 / Alpha 7r III Lens: Canon EF 11-24mm f/4L
Two pairs of shoes rest on a mossy wall while the former owners… who knows?… (Whoever put the shoes there – I only capture what I find but never move or arrange anything on such locations…)
The control console of one of the many rail cranes inside the old Ferrum foundry.
Too bad the power is out – with a cold beer the sofa would still look inviting…
In one of the dark corners of the old foundry, an old arc welder stays hidden and without power…
In the Terezia mine, inside Salina Turda, some UFO-shaped constructions were built as a tourist attraction. Looking from above, they almost look like lost in space.
The main entrance from the inside of the Château Lumière. A big door sheds light on the stairs to the ground floor.
On a Sunday’s drive and walk, we found this fascinating old house on Lake Lucerne. By looking at the building, it seemed as there could still be people living in. Together with the many pedestrians there, a closer examination was tempting but seemed not possible.