Lost Walls
In the middle of a field, behind some bushes, two lost walls are all that’s left from former building. A picture from the “Post Apocalypse” series.
Take a Photo – Make a Picture
In the middle of a field, behind some bushes, two lost walls are all that’s left from former building. A picture from the “Post Apocalypse” series.
Just in an old, abandoned industrial area outside Brașov, Romania.A picture from the “Post Apocalypse” series.
For some people a rather uncommon building but for others just a regular thing: in the twilight the water tower almost looks like a flying saucer on a landing pod.
At the corner of a partially abandoned industrial area just outside Brașov an old watchtower still stands above the walls. And the tower is still in use: a guard still oversees the abandoned area for no vandals and thieves get through and to the parts
Big clouds escape the cooling tower of the nuclear power plant in Leibstadt. On a nice day it almost looks as the clouds for the rainy days get produced in facilities like this one.
Just outside Brașov at the main road a wrapped building got raised. Yet unfinished it stands like a partially unpacked present in the evening.
The Clinique Du Diable is a big complex with six buildings. This is the view from the front to the main building with some of the employees’ houses. This time in black and white.
A friend from our photo group on his first UrbEx adventure in the Clinique Du Diable. Just a year after my first visit to the Clinique I went back with some friends to see what changed – compared to my last visit there is even
Yesterday on the Șaua Caprei in the Romanian mountains. After a cloud took away the visibility, a window opened to show some mountain peaks. At an altitude of 2315 meters the clouds seem to be very close and move fast.