Urban Bites

Every picture tells a story – but not every story makes a book

Old house at lake Lucern

Urban Bites is a gallery with a collection of little (single picture) urban tales.
Objects found on a walk, buildings where a closer exploration was not possible or just snapshots from somewhere.

Most recent Urban Bites
Entrance - An entrance to the metro / subway in Bucharest, Romanaia


One of many entrances to the metro network in Bucharest. On a weekdays afternoon it’s not too busy in here – but beware the rush hours!


Cloud Maker
Cloud Maker - Nuclear power plant Leibstadt

Cloud Maker

Big clouds escape the cooling tower of the nuclear power plant in Leibstadt. On a nice day it almost looks as the clouds for the rainy days get produced in facilities like this one.


Hidden Door
Hydro electric powerplant, Aarau, Switzerland - Hidden Door

Hidden Door

On the lower side of the hydroelectric power station in Aarau, a door is hidden between walls and a stair. It looks like a secret entrance which the builders tried to hide from the public view.  


Blue Mirror
Hydroelectric Power Plant in Aarau, Switzerland

Blue Mirror

A quick snapshot of the hydroelectric power station in Aarau on a nice and sunny day in December.  


Dark Corridor
Dark Corridor - A hotel close to Brussels, Belgium

Dark Corridor

This one, I have to confess, is not really urban exploration – it’s just the snapshot of a hotel corridor near Brussels where I stayed for a few nights during a training. A little magic in the development – and it looks not too inviting anymore…


Old House on Lake Lucerne
Old House

Old House ner Lake Lucerne

On a Sunday’s drive and walk, we found this fascinating old house on Lake Lucerne. By looking at the building, it seemed as there could still be people living in. Together with the many pedestrians there, a closer examination was tempting but seemed not possible.


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