Mosquito Profile
Profile of a mosquito on the ground. Maybe this was the “terrestrial” inspiration to design alien life forms in movies…
Take a Photo – Make a Picture
Profile of a mosquito on the ground. Maybe this was the “terrestrial” inspiration to design alien life forms in movies…
Green and red walls, remains of a red carpet… it must have been a colorful room. Although it’s not on top of the building, there is the roof forming one wall – so almost the attic.
It seemed like this little guy was just watching people walking along the meadow. Time for a picture!
Macro of a Nursery Web Spider hanging around the grass, lurking for her prey.
In the boiler room only two of the four boilers are still standing and slowly corroding with time. Many pipes and two boilers must have been stolen and sold for metal long time ago.
It looks bloody. It looks like the butchery – and it’s just in the far corner of the kitchen. Only little people still know what went on in there – and why the walls are still bloody red…
A fly sitting chilled on a columbine. Caught in spring, on a Sunday afternoon.
A friend from our photo group on his first UrbEx adventure in the Clinique Du Diable. Just a year after my first visit to the Clinique I went back with some friends to see what changed – compared to my last visit there is even
Yesterday on the Șaua Caprei in the Romanian mountains. After a cloud took away the visibility, a window opened to show some mountain peaks. At an altitude of 2315 meters the clouds seem to be very close and move fast.
A big blue dragonfly, a Blue Dasher, was patiently posing on a branch one sunny Sunday afternoon.