A friend from our photo group on his first UrbEx adventure in the Clinique Du Diable. Just a year after my first visit to the Clinique I went back with some friends to see what changed – compared to my last visit there is even
Take a Photo – Make a Picture
A friend from our photo group on his first UrbEx adventure in the Clinique Du Diable. Just a year after my first visit to the Clinique I went back with some friends to see what changed – compared to my last visit there is even
Yesterday on the Șaua Caprei in the Romanian mountains. After a cloud took away the visibility, a window opened to show some mountain peaks. At an altitude of 2315 meters the clouds seem to be very close and move fast.
A big blue dragonfly, a Blue Dasher, was patiently posing on a branch one sunny Sunday afternoon.
In the cellar of the main building we found this low tunnel. The end leads to some barricaded stairs and maybe an exit.What the use for this tunnel was remains a secret. But one could think… the shelves are long enough for human bodies and
The first thought when I found this room was… Mortuary Chamber. Maybe because of the one table in there, deep in the basement… And maybe the tunnel with shelves that starts in the right corner of the room…
A macro of an orange Skipper Butterfly sitting on white flowers. A fist try with my new macro speed lights.
This little guy was quite a poser. He gave a damn about me taking closeup shots. Of course: after some pictures the fun was over.
A little strange to find the only remaining medical equipment in the basement of the chief doctor’s villa which was basically built as a residence… maybe some other games were played here…
When power gets slowly replaced by rust and thieves take what once got driven by the electric motor… a lonely reminder poses in the small ventilation room.
A little spider just thought that I’m coming to steal its lunch. But the defensive pose just vanished after I removed the camera.